Sewage Treatment Plants
Treatment Plants 60 - 300 PE
For any application, be it domestic, residential, commercial or industrial, where there is no access to a mains sewer by gravity or by pumping, the Shore sewage treatment plant provides an extremely safe, efficient, reliable and cost effective solution to sewage disposal.The design of the Shore system takes into account all those aspects which we have found to be important to domestic and commercial customers alike and is fully tested and CE certified to BSEN12566-3, which is now a mandatory requirement, achieving industry leading test results in both process and structural efficiency.
Treatment Plants 6-50 E
For any application, be it domestic, residential, commercial or industrial, where there is no access to a mains sewer by gravity or by pumping, the Shore sewage treatment plant provides an extremely safe, efficient, reliable and cost effective solution to sewage disposal.The design of the Shore system takes into account all those aspects which we have found to be important to domestic and commercial customers alike and is fully tested and CE certified to BSEN12566-3, which is now a mandatory requirement, achieving industry leading test results in both process and structural efficiency.